I began writing stories when I was nine years old. My first story was about a fairy lost in the woods, and it was an assignment given to me by a teacher. I instantly fell in love with the process.

Books have always been a passion of mine. Some of my favorite memories are being in the library or hidden behind the couch reading books. I don't know why I hid behind the couch to read, I guess it seemed like a good idea at the time. As I read, I also evolved the stories in my own mind. What I would change and what I wouldn't. Even while I was reading, I was writing.

Though I pursued careers in other fields, I kept my writing close to my heart. It sounds so cliche I'm embarrassed to say it, but Awakenings did actually come to me in a dream. It scared the hell out of me and I woke up in a sweat. The dream stuck with me and eventually evolved.

Currently I reside in Florida but I'm a Missouri native. I spend most of my time reading, writing, and taking care of my small child and two crazy dogs
Photo by Carlos Vidal.